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Cretan Herbs to Fight the Common Cold

As the weather changes from summer to winter, the first symptoms of the common cold, such as runny nose, headache, muscle aches, and cough, soon appear. Strengthening our body, both preventively (better to prevent than to cure) and suppressively is the best medicine in the case of the common cold. Herbs and herbal teas are undoubtedly valuable helpers in this endeavor and here we will share with you some of the secrets of our ancestors, who were famous for their good health and longevity!

Crete has been the subject of research since the middle of the last century (study by the American Rockfelle – 1948, study of the 7 countries -1950-1960) wherein any case it proves that the proper use of the fruits of the Cretan land only beneficial to the human body can To work. More recently, the observation of human health in villages of Crete and the laboratory research that followed led to the recognition of the antioxidant activity of aromatic plants in Crete, which was published in a well-known scientific journal (The Lancet, 1998).

What are the best herbs for common cold?

If we would like to single out some of the herbs of our place, known and tested for centuries to treat the symptoms of the common cold, then among them would be Malotira, Sage, Dittany, Thyme.

Common cold

Malotira to fight the symptoms of the common cold:

An herb with centuries of history in the fight against the symptoms of the common cold is the use of malotira, the Cretan mountain tea, is for us Cretans one of the oldest weapons against the common cold. Even today, with the appearance of the first symptoms, a cup of hot malt is one of the first drinks that we will look for to relieve them. And perhaps a form of justification for our ancestors is the fact that now the European Medicines Agency in a relevant report refers to the traditional – documented use of herbs of the genus Sideritis, including malotira – the Cretan mountain tea – for the treatment of common colds, respiratory problems, cough, digestive and gastrointestinal disorders.

Common cold tofillo


Sage, a powerful herb against sore throat:

Sage is an herb that is good for colds in a variety of ways. Its consumption as an herbal tea helps in the treatment of cough and sore throat. Traditionally, among other things, it is an herbal medicine for the symptomatic treatment of inflammation of the mouth and throat, as well as the relief from excessive sweating. In addition it can be used as a gargle to relieve a sore throat.


Thyme, to stop the runny nose:

Thyme is an essential ingredient in every Cretan cuisine and its use, apart from cooking, can also be used as a beverage, offering us its beneficial properties more directly. Thyme acts as an expectorant, contributing to the extraction of inflammation, thus offering relief and faster recovery. Over the centuries it has been used to stimulate brain function, sore throat, whooping cough, as an herb with antiseptic and antibacterial properties.

Common cold and runny nose


Dittany for a strong immune system for fewer colds:

The properties of the unique Dittany of Crete undoubtedly help to strengthen the organization. Among its common uses, as our grandparents taught us and passed down from generation to generation, are those as a healing, digestive, antimicrobial, antiseptic, stomach ache, and nerve stimulant. Dittany has been the subject of study of many modern scientific researches and is an herb that has been used since the Minoan era!

Science treats the common cold with the help of herbs.

Three of the four suggested herbs of the Cretan land have already been combined in specific proportions and dissolved in virgin olive oil have made Cretan IAMA. Cretan IAMA is the result of many years of research by professors at the University of Crete, who based on the beneficial properties of herbs made an herbal preparation “ally in the care of the body” as it is typically mentioned. It is recommended for fighting colds and is for us a strong proof of the power of our herbs.

To deal with the common cold, nature has given us weapons – allies, has given us the herbs that have been used for centuries by our ancestors for this very purpose. A balanced diet – in the standards of Cretan – in combination with herbal teas undoubtedly contribute to the strengthening and shielding of the body. Prefer hot drinks in simple flavors or in combination with each other, plain or with a little honey, and give yourself health and enjoyment.

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