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Herbal tea…a tea That Stands out From the Rest

By the term tea worldwide we mean all teas that come from a specific plant, Camellia sinensis. Depending on the leaves that are collected from the specific plant and the degree of processing (oxidation) that they are then subjected to, different types of tea emerge, such as black, green, white, etc. On the other hand, the term herbal tea refers to all the herbal decoctions or infusions that we make from any herb except Camellia sinensis. So herbal teas are referred to as teas, due to the similarity in the way they are made with the “real” teas, having prevailed to be called herbal teas.

Properties of herbs

Herbal teas are probably the simplest way to enjoy the unique properties of herbs every day. Herbs (ie plants with properties, without woody shoots) are the natural way of dealing with various diseases, the natural way of shielding our body, a gift of nature that has been exploited by man for his benefit for centuries. It is striking to think that even today it is estimated that 60-80% of the world’s population depends on medicinal herbs for their health care.

Numerous scientific studies and researches focus on the properties of herbs. Reports of the properties and actions of herbs, either new or well-known through folk medicine for thousands of years, find the light of day. Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, fungicidal, and antibacterial action, strengthening the immune system, and strengthening the body are some of the most common properties that are among them.

Herbs in Crete

The Cretan land has generously given us great medicinal herbs, which the locals have been consuming for centuries. The list is long but if we would like to single out any of them, we would first mention the endemics of the island. Malotira – Cretan mountain tea, dittany, and Cretan marjoram are among the plants found in Crete and nowhere else in the world. Oregano, thyme, ladania (cistus) thrive on the island and in some cases contain essential oils in very high percentages, ranking them among the top in the world! The flavors, aromas, properties of herbs are many and able to satisfy every taste as long as we look for them and taste them.

How to choose an herbal tea?

In the past, a man was forced to walk many kilometers from his home to “discover” his food in order to survive. Through this process, knowledge about his food was created. It was knowledge very important for his survival and evolution over the years. Today man does not need to walk to find what is necessary and useful for his body and what only nature can offer him. What he needs to do, of course, is to look for the origin of his food. Now, this possibility is given through technology as producers and consumers can come in contact. Through this communication, the consumer can know the production process of the products he consumes which is very important for the value of his food. In large supermarket chains and mass-produced products, this can not be done. On the contrary, the degradation of products is one way, in favor of the reduced price, the increase of the lifespan, the fast and economical storage, and transport to the final destination for consumption.

The basic elements that a herbal tea must have in order to have the properties that nature has endowed it with are the following:

  • The cultivation of herbs should be done in organic areas.
  • Through our information and communication with the producer to know that the cultivation practices, he applies, ensure the true taste and properties of our herbal teas.
  • The areas and their producer must be “open” to consumers and communication, in order to develop a relationship of trust in the product offered to us.


Herbal tea

Why organic herbal tea?

For us, the concept of organic has two dimensions. On the one hand, how could we use drugs to cultivate something that is considered medicine? Doesn’t that sound like an oxymoron? Herbs are hardy plants, with few natural enemies and suitable mechanisms to cope with extreme conditions. On the other hand, there is the dimension of sustainability and the demand especially nowadays for a clean environment. It would be difficult to justify the use of chemicals in the particularly beautiful and natural microenvironments where we grow herbs. Nature is here to give solutions to problems that man can not give on his own, however, in order for this interconnected nature-human relationship to work, the latter must not intervene recklessly and destructively in the work of the former!

What do you need to know from the manufacturer of herbal teas?

The concentration of beneficial ingredients and the antioxidant effectiveness of herbal teas depend on a combination of factors. The ingredients of the plant, the way of cultivation and collection, the time, and the conditions of processing, affect the quality of an herbal tea. So in addition to choosing the herb based on the aromas of our liking and the properties we want to take advantage of, the deciding factor is the person behind it all. The producer who is responsible based on his handling, for the quality and value of the products he offers us.

Why should organic farms be open to the public?

The “last act” of communication with the producer takes place individually in the cultivation area. There it is essential to observe the microclimate, whether near the biological estate are adjacent activities that are consistent with the activity of the product or not. The producer is deemed necessary to be able to convey information that is capable of answering our critical questions about growing and processing conditions. But the most important thing is to take the energy that nature can give us at this time and to breathe the air that thousands of herbal plants aromatize. Nature will never deceive us!

Why use herbal mixtures?

What we really believe is that consuming herbal teas should not be “boring” and something that only comes to mind when we feel weak and a little sick. The process of making herbal tea is a beautiful journey into the world of herbs, aromas and their unique flavors. Herbal tea blends, ie the mixing of more than one herb in our cup can be very interesting. Get into the process of combining herbs in order to improve flavors, to compose new taste profiles based on your own taste preferences. Add touches of citrus, cinnamon, honey, play and create. It is now easy to look for and find some ready-made combinations that have been made based on the ingredients of herbs, in order to take full advantage of their properties. Specialized herbalists and doctors are the ones who can make appropriate combinations of herbs so that the actions of the individual ingredients act completely cooperatively and for the benefit of our health.



Why loose herbal tea;

Consider that the leaves of herbs are the vessels that carry the aromas and properties of herbal teas. What will be the result when these containers are reduced to dust? The answer is very simple. The leaves cease to have the role of containers. Essential oils have been lost in the processing area, degrading the quality of herbs very quickly. Any aromas that result from herbal tea powder are from the residues of essential oils that have remained in the small dust grains. Large pieces of herbal leaves are acceptable under certain conditions so that the leaves remain in the containers of the herbs. So the whole leaves, in addition to the inexhaustible beauty that they can give to our space and in the process of making herbal teas, are the basic condition for a tasty and beneficial tea.

Make your own organic herbal tea with whole leaves!

The process of making an herbal tea is pleasant and often relaxing, starting from the moment of choosing the herb or herbs if we want to make a mixture. Having chosen the appropriate herb for the mood and time of day, we follow the following steps:


  1. Place 1g with 2g of dried herb (one or two tablespoons) in a container that closes *. The ratio based on the herb can vary depending on how “strong” the herb itself is but also based on our own preferences. Leave the leaves “free” in the utensil without squeezing or restricting them in order to allow them space to move and release all their hidden power smoothly!
  2. Add 200ml (a cup) of hot water, temperature 90οC *.
  3. Wait for three to five minutes. Time again depends on how “strong” we want our drink. The longer we leave it, the stronger flavors our herbal tea will give us.
  4. Remove the herb from the pan.
  5. Our drink is ready to enjoy. If we prefer sweeter flavors, add a little honey.

* We want our water to be just before the boiling point in order not to lose the essential oils of our herb with the steam, while the utensil must be closed in order to capture properties and aromas in our hot cup.


Organic herbal teas are a pleasant and daily routine of enjoyment and empowerment both psychologically and physically. Listen to nature, choose correctly, and indulge in its benefits through the botanical leaves that it generously offers us.

Video: Here you can see how we enjoy a herbal tea!


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