The addition of sweeteners to herbal teas such as honey has been a habit of our ancestors for centuries. But it is not only the taste that changes but it is also the properties that act cooperatively and increase their effectiveness. There are different types of honey depending on the flowers from which the bees choose to be fed!
A sweet of nature with healing properties!
Honey is a natural product that has been widely used for its healing properties. It has been reported to contain about 200 different substances and although it is mainly composed of fructose and glucose it also contains many amino acids, vitamins, minerals and enzymes. Natural honey also contains flavonoids, phenolic acids, ascorbic acid, tocopherols and other compounds that provide a synergistic antioxidant action. At the same time, studies have shown that honey has anti-inflammatory and anti-metastatic properties.
Both the aroma and the composition of the honey differ depending on the plants from which the bee collects its food. Here in Crete one of the most famous is the thyme with the characteristic taste of the thyme of our place. But also honey from pine, orange or chestnut, are separate favorite categories of honey, each with its own unique aroma and taste!
Can I add honey to my herbal tea?
So, the addition of honey to an honey to an herbal tea in addition to the sweet taste that it will give will also contribute to the increase of its medicinal properties. For example, adding honey to an herbal tea with Cretan Mountain tea – Malotira can effectively relieve the symptoms associated with colds, the common flu and laryngitis. In general, it will improve your oral health, reduce the risk of heart disease and can, in combination with lemon juice, be an important energy booster!
When and how much honey to add to my herbal tea?
Honey should be added to our tea if it has cooled down a bit in order to take advantage of its own properties. The amount has to do with how sweet we want it to be, however a typical dosage is one teaspoon for a cup of tea (200ml of water).
Preparation of herbal tea malotira with honey
- Place 2 to 3 stems of dried malotira in a container that closes.
- Add 200ml (a cup) of hot water, temperature 90oC.
- Wait for five to ten minutes, letting the herb bring out the hidden power.
- Remove the herb from the pan.
- Wait for a few minutes so that our tea is not so hot and then add a teaspoon of honey.
Remember! We want our water to be just before the boiling point in order not to loose the healing properties of our herb, while in order to benefit from the properties of honey we should dedicate a few more minutes and add it once our tea has become a little more lukewarm.
Enjoyment and taste with the power of nature
You can wonderfully choose any herbal tea of your choice instead of Malotira, since honey fits perfectly in your every choice!
The bee’s love for herbs is well known and it is truly impressive – when our Malotira is in bloom – the multitude of bees that surround it! In order to collect the flower stems, the bees on them must first be removed with gentle movements. Do they have “knowledge” of the unique properties of the plants from which they choose to eat or is it just the aroma and ΄΄taste΄΄ that attract them? In any case, nature has once again acted wisely!
Herbs and honey, two treasures of our earth that each both individually and in combination can contribute to the strengthening of our body, while offering delicious drinks every hour of the day.
Do you want to try something cool? Cold Tea with Cretan Herbs! An ideal choice to cool off!