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Cretan Marinade: Take off the Flavors for Every Meat

Crete, with its rich gastronomic heritage, offers a unique palette of flavours and aromas through the traditional marinades for meat. Discover how to prepare three different marinades that will transform your meat meals into an unforgettable taste experience. And don’t forget…most of the time the marinade makes the difference!

Ingredients for Lamb Chops

Combine it with oil, dry white wine, lemon juice, MADARA marinade mix and freshly ground pepper, it brings out the explosive flavor in lamb chops, emphasizing the freshness and lightness of the meat.

Ingredients for Chicken

The combination with oil, yoghurt, mustard, orange juice, MADARA marinade mix and pepper, gives the chicken a spicy and refreshing taste, ideal for grilling or barbecue.

Ingredients for Pork

Suggested combination with oil, honey, orange juice, dry red wine, MADARA Marinade mix, and freshly ground pepper, offers a sweet and sour taste to the pork, balancing the sweetness of the honey with the acidity of the wine and orange.

But what is in the recommended mix?

Ingredients: Savory, Rosemary, Sage, Verbena, Oregano, Pepper, Sweet Chilli Flakes

If you want to discover all the MADARA blends click here

Preparation for the recipe:

Simply mix and lightly whisk all ingredients in a glass bowl. Apply the marinade to the meat and allow it to develop a depth of flavor before cooking.


  • Marinate meats for at least 2 hours or, better yet, overnight for intense flavor.
  • Always use fresh ingredients for your marinades for maximum flavor yield.


With these marinades, you’re ready to turn any meat meal into a culinary feast, discovering the multifaceted flavors offered by Cretan cuisine.

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