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Which Herb is Listed by the European Medicines Agency?

From the mountains of Crete to the European Medicines Agency

You will have to travel to the famous mountain peaks, also known as the ”madares” of Crete, if you want to meet the wild malotira, the Cretan Mountain tea. Malotira is a herb found only in the mountains of Crete, endemic to the region, known for its healing properties.



The use of malotira in the treatment of the common cold is not something new. Cretans have been using malotira for centuries to treat not only colds but also many other illnesses. The herbal tea of malotira is the first thing they will consume as soon as they feel unwell and this is a centuries-old habit that remains to this day, which is due to the antiseptic and antibacterial properties of the herb.

Malotira After Thousands of Years of Use

According to the European Medicine Agency, malotira is an antiseptic and antibacterial herb with many health benefits. Its long-standing (over thirty years) traditional use by the island’s people places it among the species of the genus Sideritis used to treat common colds, respiratory problems, coughs, digestive and gastrointestinal disorders.


Malotira - tofillo

As Hippocrates had wisely mentioned 2500 years ago ”it is better to prevent than to cure”, so drinking malotιra can be a wonderful way to strengthen our body against colds and respiratory problems. Its regular consumption can only offer benefits, making it a delicious drink at any time of the day, any time of the year!

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